In our previous blog post, we explored how to track method access in Spring using AOP, Security, and JPA. While that approach provides a solid foundation, let’s now take it a step further by enhancing performance and capturing additional valuable information, such as method execution time. We’ll also switch to a more performant database to handle high-volume applications efficiently.

The Need for Speed

In real-world scenarios, applications often experience a significant volume of method calls. Logging each access to a traditional relational database like MySQL or PostgreSQL can lead to performance bottlenecks, especially under heavy load. To address this, we’ll switch to a high-performance database designed for handling large-scale data ingestion and retrieval, such as NoSQL databases like MongoDB or Cassandra.

Tracking Execution Time

In addition to knowing who accessed which methods and when, it’s often valuable to track how long each method takes to execute. This information can help identify performance bottlenecks and optimize your application’s efficiency.

Modified Solution

1. Updated JPA Entity

public class AccessLog {

    @GeneratedValue(strategy = GenerationType.IDENTITY)
    private Long id;

    private String username;
    private String methodName;
    private LocalDateTime accessTime;
    private long executionTime; // New field to store execution time in milliseconds

    // Getters and setters

2. Enhanced Aspect

public class MethodAccessTracker {

    // ... (Autowired repositories and SecurityContextHolder)

    public Object trackMethodAccess(ProceedingJoinPoint joinPoint) throws Throwable {
        // ... (Logic to get method and user details)

        long startTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
        Object result = joinPoint.proceed(); // Execute the method
        long endTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
        long executionTime = endTime - startTime;

        // Log the access with execution time
        AccessLog accessLog = new AccessLog();

        return result;

We now measure the execution time by recording the start and end times around the method call and store it in the AccessLog entity.

3. Switch to a High-Performance Database

Replace your JPA repository with one that interacts with a high-performance database like MongoDB or Cassandra. You’ll need to configure Spring Data to work with your chosen database and update the repository interface accordingly.

Benefits of the Enhanced Solution

  • Improved Performance: The use of a high-performance database ensures efficient handling of access logs, even under heavy load.
  • Valuable Insights: Tracking execution time provides crucial information for performance optimization.
  • Flexibility: You can easily adapt this solution to other NoSQL databases or even consider using a dedicated logging framework like Logstash or Graylog for even more powerful log management and analysis capabilities.

By incorporating a high-performance database and tracking execution time, we’ve taken our method access tracking solution to the next level. This enhanced approach empowers you to gain deeper insights into your application’s behavior, identify performance bottlenecks, and ensure optimal efficiency even in demanding environments.

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By Jeffery Miller

I am known for being able to quickly decipher difficult problems to assist development teams in producing a solution. I have been called upon to be the Team Lead for multiple large-scale projects. I have a keen interest in learning new technologies, always ready for a new challenge.