Continuing my series on advanced classes that are handy to have around when needed.  I have created the UnitOfTime.  This class is used to convert a number of milliseconds over to a more understandable period of time.

package name.mymiller.extensions.lang;

import java.math.BigDecimal;
import java.math.BigInteger;

 * Measure UnitOfTime based on milliseconds
 * @author jmiller
public enum UnitOfTime {
     * Millieseconds
    Millisecond("ms", new BigInteger("1")),
     * Seconds
    Second("secs", new BigInteger("1000")),
     * Minutes
    Minute("mins", new BigInteger("60000")),
     * Hours
    Hour("hours", new BigInteger("3600000")),
     * Days
    Day("days", new BigInteger("86400000")),
     * Weeks
    Week("weeks", new BigInteger("604800000")),
     * Years
    Year("years", new BigInteger("31536000000")),
     * Millennium
    Millennium("millennium", new BigInteger("31536000000000"));


     * Label to use on this UnitOfTime
    private String label = null;
     * Total Millieseonds
    private BigInteger milliseconds = null;

     * Constructor for this UnitOfTime
     * @param label        Label to use
     * @param milliseconds Number of milliseconds to make this unit of time.
    UnitOfTime(String label, BigInteger milliseconds) {
        this.label = label;
        this.milliseconds = milliseconds;

     * Convert a number of milliseconds into a Years Days Hours Minutes Seconds
     * Milliseconds format
     * @param milliseconds Number of milliseconds to convert
     * @return String containing the conversion
    public static String convert(BigInteger milliseconds) {
        BigInteger working = milliseconds;
        final StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder();

        final BigInteger years = UnitOfTime.Year.getMilliseconds().divide(working);
        working = working.subtract(years.multiply(UnitOfTime.Year.getMilliseconds()));

        final BigInteger days = UnitOfTime.Day.getMilliseconds().divide(working);
        working = working.subtract(days.multiply(UnitOfTime.Day.getMilliseconds()));

        final BigInteger hours = UnitOfTime.Hour.getMilliseconds().divide(working);
        working = working.subtract(hours.multiply(UnitOfTime.Hour.getMilliseconds()));

        final BigInteger minutes = UnitOfTime.Minute.getMilliseconds().divide(working);
        working = working.subtract(minutes.multiply(UnitOfTime.Minute.getMilliseconds()));

        final BigInteger seconds = UnitOfTime.Second.getMilliseconds().divide(working);
        working = working.subtract(seconds.multiply(UnitOfTime.Second.getMilliseconds()));

        if (years.longValue() != 0L) {
            builder.append(" years ");
        if (days.longValue() != 0L) {
            builder.append(" days ");
        if (hours.longValue() != 0L) {
            builder.append(" hours ");
        if (minutes.longValue() != 0L) {
            builder.append(" minutes ");
        if (seconds.longValue() != 0L) {
            builder.append(" seconds ");
        if (working.longValue() != 0L) {
            builder.append(" milliseconds ");

        return builder.toString();

     * Determine what unit to use based on the number of milliseconds
     * @param milliseconds Total number of milliseconds
     * @return UnitOfTime you should use.
    public static UnitOfTime useUnit(BigInteger milliseconds) {
        if (milliseconds.compareTo(UnitOfTime.Millennium.getMilliseconds()) >= 0) {
            return UnitOfTime.Millennium;
        } else if (milliseconds.compareTo(UnitOfTime.Year.getMilliseconds()) >= 0) {
            return UnitOfTime.Year;
        } else if (milliseconds.compareTo(UnitOfTime.Week.getMilliseconds()) >= 0) {
            return UnitOfTime.Week;
        } else if (milliseconds.compareTo(UnitOfTime.Day.getMilliseconds()) >= 0) {
            return UnitOfTime.Day;
        } else if (milliseconds.compareTo(UnitOfTime.Hour.getMilliseconds()) >= 0) {
            return UnitOfTime.Hour;
        } else if (milliseconds.compareTo(UnitOfTime.Minute.getMilliseconds()) >= 0) {
            return UnitOfTime.Minute;
        } else if (milliseconds.compareTo(UnitOfTime.Second.getMilliseconds()) >= 0) {
            return UnitOfTime.Second;
        } else {
            return UnitOfTime.Millisecond;

     * Determine what unit to use based on the number of milliseconds
     * @param milliseconds Total number of milliseconds
     * @return UnitOfTime you should use.
    public static UnitOfTime useUnit(Integer milliseconds) {
        return UnitOfTime.useUnit(BigInteger.valueOf(milliseconds));

     * Determine what unit to use based on the number of milliseconds
     * @param milliseconds Total number of milliseconds
     * @return UnitOfTime you should use.
    public static UnitOfTime useUnit(Long milliseconds) {
        return UnitOfTime.useUnit(BigInteger.valueOf(milliseconds));

     * @return the label
    public final String getLabel() {
        return this.label;

     * @return the milliseconds
    public final BigInteger getMilliseconds() {
        return this.milliseconds;

     * Convert to the UnitOfTime
     * @param milliseconds Milliseconds to convert
     * @return BigDecimal of the number of units
    public BigDecimal getUnits(BigInteger milliseconds) {
        return new BigDecimal(milliseconds.divide(this.getMilliseconds()));

     * Convert to the UnitOfTime
     * @param milliseconds Milliseconds to convert
     * @return BigDecimal of the number of units
    public BigDecimal getUnits(Integer milliseconds) {
        return this.getUnits(BigInteger.valueOf(milliseconds));

     * Convert to the UnitOfTime
     * @param milliseconds Milliseconds to convert
     * @return BigDecimal of the number of units
    public BigDecimal getUnits(Long milliseconds) {
        return this.getUnits(BigInteger.valueOf(milliseconds));

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By Jeffery Miller

I am known for being able to quickly decipher difficult problems to assist development teams in producing a solution. I have been called upon to be the Team Lead for multiple large-scale projects. I have a keen interest in learning new technologies, always ready for a new challenge.