Tue. May 7th, 2024

Not very often do I need to take a number of bytes and convert them into the most appropriate measurement.  This came up recently on a project and I thought it would be nice to just create a class to handle this for me.  So I created UnitOfMemory as enum that switches between Byte, KiloByte, MegaByte, GigaByte, TeraByte, and PetraByte.  This works very nicely to be able to select the appropriate unit to measure with the number of bytes I have, and then to convert.

This is just a simple Java Enum that uses a enum constructor to create an enum type based on the unit of measure of memory.

package name.mymiller.extensions.lang;

import java.math.BigDecimal;
import java.math.BigInteger;

 * Measure UnitOfTime based on milliseconds
 * @author jmiller
public enum UnitOfTime {
     * Millieseconds
    Millisecond("ms", new BigInteger("1")),
     * Seconds
    Second("secs", new BigInteger("1000")),
     * Minutes
    Minute("mins", new BigInteger("60000")),
     * Hours
    Hour("hours", new BigInteger("3600000")),
     * Days
    Day("days", new BigInteger("86400000")),
     * Weeks
    Week("weeks", new BigInteger("604800000")),
     * Years
    Year("years", new BigInteger("31536000000")),
     * Millennium
    Millennium("millennium", new BigInteger("31536000000000"));


     * Label to use on this UnitOfTime
    private String label = null;
     * Total Millieseonds
    private BigInteger milliseconds = null;

     * Constructor for this UnitOfTime
     * @param label        Label to use
     * @param milliseconds Number of milliseconds to make this unit of time.
    UnitOfTime(String label, BigInteger milliseconds) {
        this.label = label;
        this.milliseconds = milliseconds;

     * Convert a number of milliseconds into a Years Days Hours Minutes Seconds
     * Milliseconds format
     * @param milliseconds Number of milliseconds to convert
     * @return String containing the conversion
    public static String convert(BigInteger milliseconds) {
        BigInteger working = milliseconds;
        final StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder();

        final BigInteger years = UnitOfTime.Year.getMilliseconds().divide(working);
        working = working.subtract(years.multiply(UnitOfTime.Year.getMilliseconds()));

        final BigInteger days = UnitOfTime.Day.getMilliseconds().divide(working);
        working = working.subtract(days.multiply(UnitOfTime.Day.getMilliseconds()));

        final BigInteger hours = UnitOfTime.Hour.getMilliseconds().divide(working);
        working = working.subtract(hours.multiply(UnitOfTime.Hour.getMilliseconds()));

        final BigInteger minutes = UnitOfTime.Minute.getMilliseconds().divide(working);
        working = working.subtract(minutes.multiply(UnitOfTime.Minute.getMilliseconds()));

        final BigInteger seconds = UnitOfTime.Second.getMilliseconds().divide(working);
        working = working.subtract(seconds.multiply(UnitOfTime.Second.getMilliseconds()));

        if (years.longValue() != 0L) {
            builder.append(" years ");
        if (days.longValue() != 0L) {
            builder.append(" days ");
        if (hours.longValue() != 0L) {
            builder.append(" hours ");
        if (minutes.longValue() != 0L) {
            builder.append(" minutes ");
        if (seconds.longValue() != 0L) {
            builder.append(" seconds ");
        if (working.longValue() != 0L) {
            builder.append(" milliseconds ");

        return builder.toString();

     * Determine what unit to use based on the number of milliseconds
     * @param milliseconds Total number of milliseconds
     * @return UnitOfTime you should use.
    public static UnitOfTime useUnit(BigInteger milliseconds) {
        if (milliseconds.compareTo(UnitOfTime.Millennium.getMilliseconds()) >= 0) {
            return UnitOfTime.Millennium;
        } else if (milliseconds.compareTo(UnitOfTime.Year.getMilliseconds()) >= 0) {
            return UnitOfTime.Year;
        } else if (milliseconds.compareTo(UnitOfTime.Week.getMilliseconds()) >= 0) {
            return UnitOfTime.Week;
        } else if (milliseconds.compareTo(UnitOfTime.Day.getMilliseconds()) >= 0) {
            return UnitOfTime.Day;
        } else if (milliseconds.compareTo(UnitOfTime.Hour.getMilliseconds()) >= 0) {
            return UnitOfTime.Hour;
        } else if (milliseconds.compareTo(UnitOfTime.Minute.getMilliseconds()) >= 0) {
            return UnitOfTime.Minute;
        } else if (milliseconds.compareTo(UnitOfTime.Second.getMilliseconds()) >= 0) {
            return UnitOfTime.Second;
        } else {
            return UnitOfTime.Millisecond;

     * Determine what unit to use based on the number of milliseconds
     * @param milliseconds Total number of milliseconds
     * @return UnitOfTime you should use.
    public static UnitOfTime useUnit(Integer milliseconds) {
        return UnitOfTime.useUnit(BigInteger.valueOf(milliseconds));

     * Determine what unit to use based on the number of milliseconds
     * @param milliseconds Total number of milliseconds
     * @return UnitOfTime you should use.
    public static UnitOfTime useUnit(Long milliseconds) {
        return UnitOfTime.useUnit(BigInteger.valueOf(milliseconds));

     * @return the label
    public final String getLabel() {
        return this.label;

     * @return the milliseconds
    public final BigInteger getMilliseconds() {
        return this.milliseconds;

     * Convert to the UnitOfTime
     * @param milliseconds Milliseconds to convert
     * @return BigDecimal of the number of units
    public BigDecimal getUnits(BigInteger milliseconds) {
        return new BigDecimal(milliseconds.divide(this.getMilliseconds()));

     * Convert to the UnitOfTime
     * @param milliseconds Milliseconds to convert
     * @return BigDecimal of the number of units
    public BigDecimal getUnits(Integer milliseconds) {
        return this.getUnits(BigInteger.valueOf(milliseconds));

     * Convert to the UnitOfTime
     * @param milliseconds Milliseconds to convert
     * @return BigDecimal of the number of units
    public BigDecimal getUnits(Long milliseconds) {
        return this.getUnits(BigInteger.valueOf(milliseconds));

By Jeffery Miller

I am known for being able to quickly decipher difficult problems to assist development teams in producing a solution. I have been called upon to be the Team Lead for multiple large-scale projects. I have a keen interest in learning new technologies, always ready for a new challenge.

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