Thu. Apr 25th, 2024

IFTTT Recipes

Church Website Related

tonado alert recipe Used to monitor the National Weather Service for your area, and to call your phone directly if a Tornado Warning or Watch is in effect for your area. Very useful if you live in an area without tornado sirens.
 Publish latest CCINKY News to Facebook Recipe

 Part of the Christian Church (Disciples in Christ) in Kentucky set of recipes to guide small churches in setting up and maintaining an online and social media experience.

Used to post the latest New from website to a churches website.  This monitors the RSS Feed from the Regional Website and will post articles automatically to the Church’s Facebook Page.

 tweet ccinky news recipe

  Part of the Christian Church (Disciples in Christ) in Kentucky set of recipes to guide small churches in setting up and maintaining an online and social media experience.

Use to tweet news from the Regional Website out on your Twitter feed, to keep your followers up on regional news.

 tweet WordPress Posts on Twitter recipe

  Part of the Christian Church (Disciples in Christ) in Kentucky set of recipes to guide small churches in setting up and maintaining an online and social media experience.

Recipe for a local church to use, to connect a WordPress website to Twitter.  Posts will automatically be posted directly to Twitter as they are posted.

 Wordpress Post to Facebook Page recipe

  Part of the Christian Church (Disciples in Christ) in Kentucky set of recipes to guide small churches in setting up and maintaining an online and social media experience.

Recipe for a local church to use, to connect a WordPress website to a Facebook page.  Posts will automatically be posted directly to Twitter as they are posted.

 Publish WordPress recipe  Part of the Christian Church (Disciples in Christ) in Kentucky set of recipes to guide small churches in setting up and maintaining an online and social media experience.Recipe for a local church to use, to connect a WordPress website to a Facebook page.  Posts will automatically be posted directly to Facebook as they are posted. Uses WordPress Channel to read articles from your local website.
 Tweet WordPress recipe  Part of the Christian Church (Disciples in Christ) in Kentucky set of recipes to guide small churches in setting up and maintaining an online and social media experience.Recipe for a local church to use, to connect a WordPress website to Twitter.  Posts will automatically be posted directly to Twitter as they are posted. Uses WordPress Channel to read articles from your local website.
 Share DNS to Facebook Page recipe

Part of the Christian Church (Disciples in Christ) in Kentucky set of recipes to guide small churches in setting up and maintaining an online and social media expSet featured imageerience.

Recipe for a local church to use, to share Disciples News Service articles to their Facebook Page.

 Share DNS To Facebook recipe

Part of the Christian Church (Disciples in Christ) in Kentucky set of recipes to guide small churches in setting up and maintaining an online and social media experience.

Recipe for a Facebook user to use to share Disciples News Service Articles to their Facebook Page.

tweet dns recipe

Part of the Christian Church (Disciples in Christ) in Kentucky set of recipes to guide small churches in setting up and maintaining an online and social media experience.

Recipe for a local church to use, to TweetDisciples News Service articles.


Jenkins Google Drive Build Loger

Create a log in Google Sheets of all builds reported, the date, time, project name, build number and status.  Requires the IFTTT Build Notifier to be installed on your Jenkins Server.

Jenkins Build Log

Jenkins Build Notification Receive an notification of Jenkins Builds on your smartphone.  Requires the IFTTT Build Notifier to be installed on your Jenkins Server.

Work Related

Clock In Out  Recipe used to insert blank lines into your spreadsheet to separate out each week.  You need to create two instances of this recipe so that two lines are created in the spreadsheet.
 Do Clock In Out  Since I am unable to publish my recipe for this I will provide you with the guide on how to create this recipe.

  1. Install Do Button [ Google Play ] [ ITunes ]
  2. Login to the Do Button
  3. Create a new Do Button using the Google Drive Channel
  4. Fill in the fields as follows:
    • Recipe Title: Clock In/Out
    • SpreadSheet name: Work Hours
    • Drive Folder Path: Business
    • Formatted Row:

{{OccurredAt}} ||| =IF(ISODD(ROW()), “Started”, “Stopped”) |||=IF(ISEVEN(ROW()),
ADDRESS(ROW(),COLUMN()-2,4)),”\w+ \d{2}, \d{4}”)) +
“\d{2}:\d{2}[A|P]M$”))) –
“\w+ \d{2}, \d{4}”)) +
“\d{2}:\d{2}[A|P]M$”)))) * 24, 2),””)|||

   Use this recipe to automatically notify someone when you arrive at work.  Great way to let someone know you made it to safely without the hassle of having to remember to send that text message.  Automation at it’s best, keeping everyone happy!
Notify Leaving Work  Use this recipe to automatically notify someone when you leave work.  Great way to let someone know your leaving without the hassle of having to remember to send that text message.  Automation at it’s best, keeping everyone happy!


By Jeffery Miller

I am known for being able to quickly decipher difficult problems to assist development teams in producing a solution. I have been called upon to be the Team Lead for multiple large-scale projects. I have a keen interest in learning new technologies, always ready for a new challenge.